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MAP At The Museum

We Explored Archaeology and History at the Robbins Museum of Archaeology in Middleboro, Massachusetts!

In 2007 and 2008, the Massachusetts Archaeological Professionals (MAP), parent company of PARP4Kids, offered a variety of exciting history and archaeology programs at the Robbins Museum of Archaeology in Middleboro, MA. these programs were on the third Saturday of every month and we explored the various aspects of archaeology through a variety of hands on activities for historians ages 6-12!
The cost for each program was $7.50 for the first child, $6.00 for each additional child and included all materials and handouts.
We have completed our series at the Robbins Museum, but if you know of another museum that would like to host us, please contact us at 774-488-2095, and we can set a series up. 
 See You At the Museum!!


 Pirate Archaeology

 Did you know that one of the only excavated pirate ships is located right here in Massachusetts, or more precisely, right off of the coast of Cape Cod. Pirates have been here in New England for centuries and have left their own unique type of archaeological signature on the past. Did you ever hear about the skull that was found at the pirate tavern in Wellfleet? You will, as we explore the pirate past through archaeology. How can you tell if its a prate ship or not? You'll learn how with our swashbuckling activities and discussions.


PARP4Kids 2007